Seminar raises discussion on Mapas

Seminar raises discussion on Mapas

Mapas Culturais was one of the subjects addressed in the 1st Seminar of Information and Cultural Indicators of the ABC Region, which took place on April 14. The event was organized by the Culture Working Group of ABC Region Intermunicipal Consortium and held at the Vladimir Capella Theater in São Caetano do Sul (SP). Cultural managers and representatives of municipalities and civil society of six of the seven cities that make up the region attended the Seminar.

The first discussion board had as a subject “Mapas Culturais and SNIIC” and was composed by Pedro Vasconcellos, Monitoring Director of Cultural Policies in the Department of Cultural Policies of the Ministry of Culture (MinC); and Antonio Carlos Pedro Ferreira, Cultural Action Core Coordinator of Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS); under the mediation of Ailton Tenório, technical coordinator of the Culture Department of São Caetano do Sul. Antonio spoke about the initiatives of the Core and his experience with the National System of Cultural Information and Indicators (SNIIC).

Pedro introduced the new structure of SNIIC which, among other novelties, started using an installation of free software Mapas Culturais to provide cultural data from around the country: the Mapa da Cultura platform. “Maps are the great novelty of SNIIC, because we have a much more responsive, interactive tool, which is not just a static map,” he said. In addition to showing examples of Mapas Culturais in Brazilian cities, he mentioned other applications and software usage possibilities.

Until now, three major MinC databases are already integrated into the Mapa da Cultura: the registration of the National System of Public Libraries, the database of Live Culture Net and museum records. All of them have their own platforms and identities, with the difference that their data are also available on the Mapa da Cultura. The intention is that in the future databases of cities and states using the software are also integrated into SNIIC, unifying the local and national records. “This will not generate rework and will be something much more useful for everyone. You will not have an outdated, superficial and superficial database. You will have there, in the same space, a constantly updated database, “explained Pedro.


The first installation of Mapas Culturais in the ABC Region was in Santo André (SP), with the CulturAZ platform. Simone Zárate, Cultural Project Manager of Santo André City Hall, said that the adhesion to the platform is growing and that several initiatives are being developed and planned for the publishing of CulturAZ to the general public and City Hall employees. One of them is the update of the printed cultural agenda by means of the platform data. “The printed cultural agenda works today from another database. From next month on, it will be removed from CulturAZ. So everyone will have to put the events on the platform, otherwise, they will not be seen on the printed agenda,” she explained.