Photo: VcSBC awarding (from left to right): Giovanni Narezi Pimentel Rosa; Ana María Rodríguez-Ortiz, IDB manager of Institutions for Development; Luis Alberto Moreno; Renata Lima Campos; Manoel Horacio; and José Augusto Guarnieri Pereira. Crédits: BID/promotion
On April 19th, it was carried out an awarding ceremony of the contest Governarte 2015: Eduardo Campos Award, in which the app VcSBC, from São Bernardo do Campo (SP), was one of the winners. Representatives from the five awarded initiatives were in Washington, D.C., in the United States, to be part of the event promoted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The contest awarded the best and most innovative practices of public management in municipal governments from Latin America and the Caribbean.
VcSBC, a ZUP – Zeladoria Urbana Participativa (Participatory Urban Governance) platform installation, competed with other 94 initiatives and was one of the winners in the category “Cities and Big Data”. To represent the initiative, the secretary of Administration and Administrative Modernization from São Bernardo do Campo, José Augusto Guarnieri Pereira; the IT Department director from the city, Giovanni Narezi Pimentel Rosa; and the Instituto TIM president, Manoel Horacio, were present.
After the opening performed by the IDB president, Luis Alberto Moreno, there was a discussion panel of the category “Cities and Big Data”. The secretary José Augusto and the International Relations coordinator from Fortaleza (CE) City Hall, Patrícia Macêdo, representing the Program Fortaleza Inteligente e Mobilidade Urbana, also winner in the category, participated in the discussion.
It was also carried out a panel about the category “Cities and Registry of People”, which had as winners the Online Civil Registry, from Baruta, in Venezuela; the National Plan for the Eradication of Underegistration, from Antigua Guatemala, in Guatemala; and the Mobile Brigades, from Guayaquil, in Ecuador. Renata Lima Campos, widow of the politician Eduardo Campos, received an award in appreciation to the work of the ex-governor from Pernambuco and presented the awarding of the winners from the contest along with the IDB president.
Photo credits: IDB/promotion