The process of requesting urban governance services in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) became more dynamic and agile after the implementation of VcSBC, ZUP installation in the city. From the app launch, on June 15th, 2015, to the month of July this year, there have been made more than 28.000 requests of 114 service categories – the most requested are potholes repairs, pruning branches in public areas and conduct preliminary analysis for street vendor license. Considering the period from December 2014 to July 2016, the average monthly increase in requests of the categories covered by the system is 68,8%.
The assistant secretary of Urban Services of the municipality, Flávio Souto Casarini Junior, says that VcSBC consolidated itself among the population. Most requests (41,7%) are currently made via app or by the online version. “Having an app that allows portability, georeference and photo is the differential. The app optimizes and encourages the citizen to make a request. It is the most practical, fast and effective tool we have available to citizens”, states Flávio. Requests made by telephone and in-person are also registered in the system, unifying data in a single tool. Since it came into operation, VcSBC accumulates over 20.000 registered users.
According to the assistant secretary, reducing the time between the completion of the request and its arrival at the responsible agency is the main gain for residents. If before this process lasted between three and four days, now it takes only one. In addition, users can monitor the status of the request by the app itself. “Our relationship with the citizen gets better. The citizen wants to be served and informed, and the system corresponds to these two issues.” To the teams of municipal departments and agencies using VcSBC, there was an improvement in the progress and speed of services. “We have a better systematization of the operations and services programming”, says Flávio.
Due to the increase in requests, the teams will also be guided to improve the logistics of services. “It was something we have already expected. We will prepare the end better, because the inputs are more dynamic”, he explains. The expectation is that the usage percentage of the app increases even more, improving the service flow of Rede Fácil, the service center to the citizens of São Bernardo do Campo. “The more we centralize in VcSBC, the better. Even for our internal planning, since we can get access to the demands using a single tool.” Even though many processes still have to be made directly at Rede Fácil, such as those that depend on documentation delivery, Flávio expects that more services will be directed to the system.
VcSBC was one of the winners of the Governarte 2015: Eduardo Campos Award, granted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to the best and most innovative practices of public management in state and municipal governments from Latin America and the Caribbean. “Our partnership with Instituto TIM to launch this tool took many months of discussion and work, many people were involved and dedicated themselves. And as much as it has a short operation period, this award is deserved because of the dedication and preparation efforts for the launch and the result it gave when it was released”, says Flávio.