Get to know the ZUP installations

Get to know the ZUP installations

The ZUP – Zeladoria Urbana Participativa (Participatory Urban Governance) platform was developed by Instituto TIM to contribute with the municipal management of urban governance services. Both the staff from departments and public bodies and the citizens can count on an efficient and easy to use tool to register demands such as waste collection, sweeping, pothole repair, pruning trees, among others. The information are registered at a single system and serve as subsidy to improve the monitoring and execution of the services that have to be performed.

Once ZUP is a free software, it can be adjusted to the municipalities needs. And this is what has been done in the three cities that has already adopted the solution: São Bernardo do Campo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Boa Vista (RR). Each municipality uses the platform differently, and all of them are achieving positive and visible results in the urban services management. Find out how the three cities use ZUP as follows (click on the subtitles links to read the full articles).

São Bernardo do Campo – VcSBC

The VcSBC platform became the main tool used to request and register urban governance services at the municipality. Citizens can register requests of 114 service categories using an app or accessing VcSBC website. Service teams are able to forward the demands more quickly to the responsible bodies, which update the system with the ocurrences status. Requests made by telephone and in person are also registered in the tool. With little more than a year of use, VcSBC already registers more than 28,000 requests and 20,000 registered users.

Rio de Janeiro – ZUP RIO

When it was launched, on December 1st, 2015, the ConservaZUP platform was used by agents from the Municipal Department of Conservation (SECONSERVA) to register and monitor the executed services. This year, in June, the tool has been expanded and was renamed ZUP RIO. Now, the Rio Operations Center (COR) staff also uses it for megaevents management, accompanying possible occurrences in the events locations. ZUP brought more agility to the work of the SECONSERVA and COR teams, that study the possibility of extending the platform use to other municipal bodies.

Boa Vista – VcBV

The capital of Roraima uses the VcBV platform to several purposes. All citizens’ requests made by phone 156 are registered in the system, which is accessed and updated by nine departments and municipal bodies. The Municipal Department of Social Management uses the inventories tool to register data and information of the families who participate in the city’s social programs. It was also created an inventory specially to map outbreaks of the Aedes aegypti mosquito in the city. The Sanitary Surveillance began to register information on the inspected establishments an app.