Promoted by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications, SNCT is the largest and most comprehensive event in Brazil related to the theme. Instituto TIM sponsors SNCT’s main event, which takes place at the Parque da Cidade Exhibition Pavilion in Brasília.
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Tribute and activities at the SNCT
Instituto TIM was honored at the official opening of the 12th National Week of Science and Technology (SNCT), promoted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). The opening took place on October 20th at the Exhibition Pavilion of the City Park, in Brasília-DF.
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Free transportation to museum
Public schools students and teachers from Recife-PE and neighboring municipalities now have free transportation to Espaço Ciência, located in Olinda-PE. Through the support of Instituto TIM to science and technology museums and centers, Espaço Ciência acquired three school buses.
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