Entrepreneurship is already a reality for 48 million Brazilians between the ages of 18 and 64 years old (36% of the population). And among those who have never started a business, having their own business is the 4th most mentioned dream – behind only traveling around Brazil, buying a home and a car.
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TIM Tec records new courses for 2017
The recordings of six new courses of TIM Tec were completed. Now, the courses will be edited and reviewed in order to be launched in 2017, integrating the platform portfolio that, currently, has 25 courses. For the first time the TIM Tec platform will offer micro-entrepreneurs centered courses.
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TIM Tec course explores MOOCs
TIM Tec has launched a new course to increase the educators knowledge about what are MOOCs. In MOOC and new ways of learning, teachers Paula Furtado, Ana Rute Mendes and Fábio Flatschart present what characterizes a MOOC and the relevance of this type of course.
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