The project “The influence of microgravity on lactose degradation and the development of gut flora bacteria”, by students Eduardo Felipe Pagnan Vieira, Karine Gabriella Ascoli, and Larissa de Oliveira Paes, from the 2nd year of Regina Coeli High School, is the big winner of the program this year.
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AWC: Cases to inspire entrepreneurs
Since 2015, several teams have gone through the program and learned about the scientific entrepreneurship method that characterizes it. Many of these groups took their projects and learnings forward and became successful startups. See the successful cases of Academic Working Capital!
Read MorePromoted in a partnership with Instituto TIM, the Garatéa-ISS project seeks precisely to shorten this distance by means of the involvement of Brazilian students with the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program. Public and private schools from the entire country participate in this project.
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