In the first half of May, the first interactions between the 34 teams, chosen to participate in AWC 2019, took place. The Workshop I was held in an online environment during the two days of training and featured lectures by coordinators and coaches of the program, besides a lot of hard work by the teams.
Read MoreMore than 50 students from public universities across the country were selected to participate in the Instituto TIM-OBMEP Scholarships, offered by Instituto TIM in partnership with OBMEP and the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA). Learn what happened in the event!
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AWC 2019: selected teams
Of the 228 applicants from more than 100 public and private colleges, the 88 students forming the teams will participate in workshops, teaching assistance and in the Investments Fair, besides receiving funds to build their prototypes. This way, by the end of the year, their projects turn into startups.
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