Search Results For : mapas

Mapa Cultural de Pernambuco is launched in event

Mapa Cultural de Pernambuco is launched in event

Over 100 people attended the launch of the platform Mapa Cultural de Pernambuco. The event was held at the Museum of the State of Pernambuco (MEPE), in Recife, and brought together authorities, cultural agents, artists, cultural advisers, among other interested parties.

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Solutions that contribute to smart cities

Solutions that contribute to smart cities

With increasingly populous urban centers around the world and more complex management demands, the discussion about the concept of smart cities is growing. Such concept involves the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to improve the efficiency of the urban management

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Cultural data from all over Brazil

Cultural data from all over Brazil

Available since 2015, the platform Mapa da Cultura has information about cultural agents, places, projects and events from all over Brazil and it is one of the four deployments of the open source software Mapas Culturais in the Ministry of Culture (MinC). The management is performed by MinC.

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