Search Results For : mapas

IT and Min. of Culture sign agreement

IT and Min. of Culture sign agreement

The Instituto TIM and the Ministry of Culture signed a cooperation agreement during the opening of the Latin American Seminar on Cultural Information and Indicators, held in Brasília (DF). The event marked the public launch of the new National System for Cultural Information and Indicators.

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Partnership with Ministry of Culture

Partnership with Ministry of Culture

Instituto TIM has made official a partnership with the Ministry of Culture (MinC) in order to provide support for the use of the Mapas Culturais free software by the National System for Cultural Information and Indicators (SNIIC). The agreement was celebrated on November 17th at a meeting in Brasilia-DF

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Santo André launches CulturAZ

Santo André launches CulturAZ

Mapas Culturais free software, developed by Instituto TIM, arrives to Santo André-SP. On November 17th, the City Government launched at the auditorium of the City Hall the CulturAZ platform, the ninth installation of the Mapas Culturais software. The event was attended by approximately 100 people.

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