Tag: Leonardo Germani

Workshop to discuss future of Mapas Culturais

Workshop to discuss future of Mapas Culturais

On February 26th and 27th, the Mapas Culturais Management Workshop was held in Brasília-DF, in the building of the Ministry of Culture (MinC), bringing together members of the Mapas Culturais Network, public managers, developers and researchers, as well as Instituto TIM.

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Mapas in events in São Paulo

Mapas in events in São Paulo

In November, Mapas Culturais was in the programming of two events in São Paulo (SP). On day 24, a lecture was held about the software and about SP Cultura − first deployment of the platform − at Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP), as part of Encontro Comunicação, Espaço Público e Cultura.

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About 80 people attend Sesc course

About 80 people attend Sesc course

The course Collaborative Digital Platforms, from the Research and Education Center of Sesc São Paulo, had around 80 participants in the two days in which it was held, on September 20th and 21st. The platform Mapas Culturais was one of the highlights of the content covered in the course.

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