Search Results For : mapas

Workshop to discuss future of Mapas Culturais

Workshop to discuss future of Mapas Culturais

On February 26th and 27th, the Mapas Culturais Management Workshop was held in Brasília-DF, in the building of the Ministry of Culture (MinC), bringing together members of the Mapas Culturais Network, public managers, developers and researchers, as well as Instituto TIM.

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New solutions for Mapas in SP in Hackultura

New solutions for Mapas in SP in Hackultura

The SP Estado da Cultura platform, a deployment of Mapas Culturais in the state of São Paulo, has gained new suggestions of functionalities in a development marathon dedicated to it. It was a 24-hour event, held in December 8th and 9th at Estação Cultura, and two participating teams were awarded

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MinC provides Mapas as SaaS to the entire country

MinC provides Mapas as SaaS to the entire country

The Ministry of Culture (MinC), with Instituto TIM’s support, started providing the platform Mapas Culturais as SaaS (software as a service in cloud) to all interested states and municipalities. The service intends to extend and facilitate the adoption of the cultural management tool.

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