Search Results For : mapas

Cultura na Paraíba is the new Mapas’ deployment

Cultura na Paraíba is the new Mapas’ deployment

Paraíba is the newest State to deploy the platform Mapas Culturais. About 50 people attended the event, including managers, cultural producers, local artists and authorities, such as the Acting Governor of Paraíba, Ana Lígia Costa Feliciano, and the Secretary of Culture, Lau Siqueira.

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Get to know the Mapas platforms in MinC

Get to know the Mapas platforms in MinC

The Ministry of Culture (MinC) has a partnership with Instituto TIM to use the free software Mapas Culturais. The partnership started with the migration of the National System for Cultural Information and Indicators (SNIIC) to Mapas Culturais, resulting in the platform Mapa da Cultura.

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Mapas managers and developers get together

Mapas managers and developers get together

On March 29th and 30th, Instituto TIM, in partnership with the State Department of Culture of São Paulo and the Ministry of Culture (MinC), organized the IV Managers Meeting and the III Developers Meeting of Mapas Culturais. Approximately 70 participants gathered in the two events.

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