Search Results For : mapas

New uses for Mapas in Ceará

New uses for Mapas in Ceará

Ceará Department of Culture is expanding the use and functionalities of Mapas Culturais. The open source software developed by Instituto TIM was used to create the website and app of the 3rd edition of Maloca Dragão, a great cultural festival, that happened from April 28th to May 1st.

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Seminar raises discussion on Mapas

Seminar raises discussion on Mapas

Mapas Culturais was one of the subjects addressed in the 1st Seminar of Information and Cultural Indicators of the ABC Region, which took place on April 14. Attended the event: cultural managers and representatives of municipalities and civil society of six of the seven cities that make up the region.

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Mapas Culturais in two new states

Mapas Culturais in two new states

Two new deployments of the Mapas Culturais platform were released in recent days: Cultura MT, from the state of Mato Grosso, on March 19; and SP Estado da Cultura, in the state of São Paulo. The two states join others like Rio Grande do Sul, among others. which are already part of the network.

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