Search Results For : mapas

Mapas gathers developers in SP

Mapas gathers developers in SP

On July 21st and 22nd it was held the II Mapas Culturais Developers Meeting took place in São Paulo at the head office of Hacklab, partner of Instituto TIM in the development of Mapas Culturais, and brought together about 30 people – most of them are IT representatives of partner institutions of the project.

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Events and launch of Mapas in DF

Events and launch of Mapas in DF

June 29th and 30th were marked by three events of great importance for Mapas Culturais project: the III Meeting of Mapas Culturais Network, the I Meeting of the Cultural Information Articulation Network and the launch of Mapa nas Nuvens, the installation of Mapas Culturais in the Federal District (DF).

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BH launches Mapas installation

BH launches Mapas installation

Belo Horizonte (MG) is the newest city to adopt the Mapas Culturais platform. The launch event of Mapa Cultural BH, Mapas installation in the city, took place in the Historic Museum Abílio Barreto. Around 60 guests attended the event, among them, there were managers of cultural spaces and authorities.

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