Tag: statement

450 thousand people involved in 2016

450 thousand people involved in 2016

In 2016, for the first time, the initiatives reached all the states of Brazil and the Federal District. Since July 2013, when it was created, IT has already involved more than 1 million people, just in this year it has involved around 450 thousand people through 10 projects.

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80,000 people benefited in 2014

80,000 people benefited in 2014

Instituto TIM ended 2014 with the mark of 80,000 people directly benefited through its projects throughout Brazil. The institution continues in 2015 with over 10 initiatives underway, like O Círculo da Matemática do Brasil, TIM Faz Ciência, Mapas Culturais, ZUP and TIM Tec.

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Instituto TIM completes one year

Instituto TIM completes one year

In July, Instituto TIM completes one year in operation. Since it was established, more than 250 municipalities, 900 schools and 2,300 teachers have been involved in the initiatives and projects of the institute, which now operates in 25 Brazilian states. In 2013, 6,732 students participated in the activities.

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