Tag: technology

3,000 people enrolled for TIM Tec

3,000 people enrolled for TIM Tec

The TIM Tec MOOC platform reached the milestone of 3,000 people enrolled in 11 courses already published. In total there are 3,023 students registered on the platform. In the first months of the year, around 10,000 people visited the website: 4,645 new visitors in February and another 4,432 new visitors in March.

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Examples of urban governance apps

Examples of urban governance apps

Just like ZUP contributes to the achievement of public services in a municipality, assists public administrators to gather information about them and encourages citizens to participate in the governance, similar initiatives involve the population in maintaining the cities in several countries.

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The importance of MOOCs for education

The importance of MOOCs for education

Around 10 million students choose distance learning education each year, according to a survey by FernUniversität in Hagen, a German university specialized in this type of learning. One of the most recent educational phenomena related to distance learning education are MOOCs .

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