The TIM Tec platform has launched two more courses destined to professionals and those interested in technology: Development with Python and APIs Development in REST. The courses are free and open to anyone who has previous knowledge in programming and software development areas, since the content of both is more advanced.
The Development with Python course presents the fundamental concepts of this programming language that is increasingly being used all over the world – and that was even adopted in the development of the TIM Tec platform itself. The classes are accompanied by screencasts in which teacher Felipe Cruz, with Master Degree in Computing from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), shows in practice examples of the topics covered. In addition, students still have the opportunity to develop a practical project: an application for downloading a data file.
In other hand, teacher Alexandre Saudate, an expert in service-oriented architecture, DevOps and cloud computing, is responsible for the APIs Development in REST. APIs are interfaces used by all software that wants to make its service available to other developers (sites and applications that include Google Maps, for example, do that throughout a program API). In the course, Alexandre explains how to build APIs in the REST architecture style, as well as guide students in a practical exercise using as an example a search and scheduling system.
With both courses, the TIM Tec platform now has a portfolio of 30 courses, all free. Check out the complete list and sign up for the platform to start the courses.