Girls teach what they learn

Girls teach what they learn

Girls from the NGO Centro Brasileiro da Criança e do Adolescente Casa de Passagem Ana Vasconcelos (Brazilian Center for Children and Teenagers Transitional Foster Home Ana Vasconcelos) from Recife-PE, aged between 7 and 17 years, are creating groups to teach rhythmic gymnastics and popular dance to other teenagers and children in their communities. They learn the moves in workshops offered by the Passagem pela Vida (Passage through Life) program and pass the knowledge forward on their own initiative. In 2013, the program, which is supported by Instituto TIM, helped 150 girls and 40 families to recover from social risk trauma through artistic activities and psychological treatment. Monitoring lasts from six months to two years, as it varies according to the evolution of each girl.

“They are multipliers in their own communities. Dance and gymnastics transform the lives of these girls, adapting them to the discipline, body evolution and collective life – which is their biggest gain,” explains the dance and gymnastics monitor at the Transitional Foster Home, Anderson Henry. “We have students who have been with us since 2010 and their evolution is enormous,” he adds.

In addition to the dance classes and rhythmic gymnastics, Instituto TIM also supports other workshops offered by the Passagem pela Vida program: arts, percussion, choir, cultural performances and tours, which work as a complementary education. “Some girls who complete Passagem pela Vida are referred to vocational courses held at the Transitional Foster Home or youth centers,” says the program coordinator, Maria Auxiliadora de Araújo. In 2013, over 800 workshops were held.

Family members undergo periodic psychological counseling, along with children and young people. For Maria Auxiliadora, the participation of their guardians contributes to rescue that family life and helps to improve the relationship with the community.