Enrollments to participate in the Academic Working Capital program have now opened. The program is set to invest R$ 400,000 in up to 40 projects aimed at university students interested in conceiving technology-based business in the fields of Engineering and Exact Sciences. Undergraduate students from these areas that are currently working on their Final Projects may enroll up to June 21st. All enrollment guidelines can be found on the Academic Working Capital website.
Participating groups must be composed of 2 to 4 members, with one acting as coordinator and responsible for the team before the program organizers. Team will have to prepare a description of their proposal and a motivation video introducing the project and members. This video shall demonstrate the entrepreneurial profile of the group and the proposal’s unique aspects of technical innovation. Enrollments will be accepted from students of universities from the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The universities must be subject to a minimum grade of 4 in the Ministry of Education’s General Course Index.
The authors of the 40 projects selected will receive financial support and consultancy for the development of their prototypes and structuring of their business plans, with an opportunity to present them at an Investments Fair. The executive coordinator of Academic Working Capital is professor Marcos Barretto, from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (Poli-USP).
For further information, the program team can be contacted via e-mail coordenacao@awc.institutotim.org.br.