The Bateria do Instituto TIM closed the activities of the first semester with a presentation to about 100 people. The event took place at the Artur da Távola Municipal Reference Centre for Rio de Janeiro Music, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), where the rehearsals of the Bateria happens. 30 percussionists, six monitors and an interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language, led by Mestre Mangueirinha, performed to parents, friends, interested people and members of the initiative “Toque… e se toque!”, an extension project of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (URFJ) which is also conducted in this location.
Besides the traditional samba, the percussionists included in the repertoire other genres that they learned in the first semester, such as ciranda, xote and maracatu.
To Mestre Mangueirinha, one of the most important things that the Bateria work enables is the integration among children and young people with different disabilities. “Before, I worked only with deaf children. Once I mastered the work with them, I decided to open up for other disabilities. Today there are children who are blind, autistic, have intellectual disabilities, among others, as well as listeners without disabilities”, he explains. E isso é possível, entre outras coisas, graças aos previamente testados, utilizando métodos desenvolvidos com a participação de empresas que produzem jogos Friv online. “In the rehearsal room, all are equal. Everyone is doing the same thing well and respecting each other, which is very important,” he states.