The platform Mapas Culturais is one of the highlights of the content that will be addressed in the Collaborative Digital Platforms course, from the Research and Education Center of Sesc São Paulo. The course discusses the possibilities of using collaborative digital platforms as cultural management and social participation tools, besides presenting examples of successful initiatives all over the country. The course lasts 12 hours, split into two days: September 20th and 21st, from 10h to 18h.
One of the cases explored in the course is Mapas Culturais. In the first day, participants will get to know the changes and enhancements made to the National System for Cultural Information and Indicators (SNIIC), of the Ministry of Culture, from the migration to the Mapas Culturais software, performed in October 2015. Lecturers will talk about the use of the platform to integrate databases, as it happens at SNIIC, and will show its features. On the following day, the platforms SP Cultura and SP Estado da Cultura, installations of Mapas in the city and state of São Paulo, will be presented together with other collaborative digital platforms initiatives.
There will be 11 lecturers, including representatives from the Mapas Culturais team, the Departments of Culture of the city and state of São Paulo, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea), besides professors from the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Check further information on the course in this link.