Bateria ends 2016 with presentation

Bateria ends 2016 with presentation

Bateria do Instituto TIM will make a presentation with the project Portadores do Ritmo and it is open to the public. The event will be held on November 26 (Saturday) from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Praça Fernando Pessoa, Rua do Catete, 135 – Bairro Catete, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The meeting marks Bateria activities closure in 2016, and it is the first time that both groups will present together.

Portadores do Ritmo is an inclusion social program that started in 2005, sponsored by the actor, singer and composer Sérgio Loroza and by Guto Goffi, drummer of the band Barão Vermelho. Aiming at people with disabilities, the project works with percussion to develop the participants’ musical sensibility. The activities are carried out every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Praça Fernando Pessoa. The Portadores do Ritmo band performs in schools, universities, festivals and other events.

Bateria do Instituto TIM was established in 2010 aiming to promote musical education for children and teenagers from the age of 9 to 21 years in Rio de Janeiro. Among the participants there are young deaf people, and people with other disabilities. The group has a battery master (Mestre Mangueirinha), musicians, monitors and interpreters of the Brazilian Sign Language. Rehearsals take place on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Artur da Távola Municipal Reference Centre for Rio de Janeiro Music in the neighborhood of Tijuca. This event will be the sixth presentation of Bateria in 2016.