Escola de Jornalismo uses TIM Tec

Escola de Jornalismo uses TIM Tec

The TIM Tec video platform, a free software developed by Instituto TIM, is already being used by other organizations. Among them is Escola de Jornalismo (Journalism School), a platform for free courses on communication aimed at young High School students – an initiative by Énois Inteligência Jovem, an agency school that works in the training of young people. Escola de Jornalismo was developed from TIM Tec’s source code, which can be accessed for free on GitHub.

Since 2009, Énois has been teaching communication to young people from the outskirts of São Paulo – in four years, 200 young people were trained. The idea which motivated the creation of Escola de Jornalismo was to democratize the access to courses, scaling them through an online platform. “By talking and with the experience of giving workshop we asked ourselves: ‘where are the young people, how do we reach more people, how do we make this thing get to the kids?’. It is not in the school or in NGOs, it is on the internet. From this emerged the history of the network, of digital marketing, of venturing into this world of video classes,” explains Amanda Rahra, a founder of Énois.

The first course was published on Udemy platform. It had a positive result: more than 3,000 students took the module and 10 of them produced a video documentary, that is, they developed the end product of the course. “But the ready-to-use platform is never what you want,” says Amanda. The team wanted a system where it would be possible to publish support material and have a communication channel between teachers and students, among other functions. Who introduced the TIM Tec software was Capi Etheriel, which gives one of the courses published on TIM Tec platform. The Escola de Jornalismo platform was developed from TIM Tec, but received some customizations, such as the creation of an area for students to publish their portfolios.

For now there are three courses published on Escola de Jornalismo: “How to hack a city”, “How to become a world explorer” and “How to make a video documentary”. All courses are free of charge.