TIM Tec and Setec promote training

TIM Tec and Setec promote training

Managers and technicians from public education institutions of e-Tec Brasil Network and government agencies participated in a training for installing and using the TIM Tec software. The session took place on November 4th and 5th, at the Ministry of Education (MEC), in Brasília-DF, and was organized by Instituto TIM in partnership with the Department of Professional and Technological Education (Setec) of MEC. After the deployment of the software, institutions may have custom MOOC (massive open online courses) platforms, including the possibility of adding TIM Tec courses in these deployments.

The event brought together about 70 people, including the representatives from Setec Paulo Vinícius Zanchet Maciel, Cassandra Ribeiro Joye and Renata Simplício Xavier and the representative of the Instituto TIM Fábio Caires. On the first day the participants watched a guided deployment of the software, followed by a talk about the possibilities of integration between the platform and Moodle (learning platform used by many of the institutions). The idea of creating a development community for the platform was also discussed, and many are interested in contributing.

The second day began with a guided navigation on the platform to show the possibilities and permissions for each profile type, focusing on the administrator profile. “The MOOC platform developed by Instituto TIM is an opportunity for expanding the available technological resources to offer distance courses,” said Márcio Wariss Monteiro, general coordinator of Distance Education of the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA).

The coordinator of Educational Technologies of the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), Carmen Costa, shared the IFPR experience with the platform created from the TIM Tec software. “We chose this type of open course to expand access to all people, regardless of enrollment,” she explained. The MOOC platform of the IFPR was launched in June with a preparatory course for the National High School Exam (Enem). “Our experience was very rich, because with this format we extended the course throughout Brazil and reached over 2,300 students registered,” she said.

Fábio Flatschart, content coordinator and teacher of three TIM Tec courses, advised on how to produce a course in MOOC format. The topic of the following conversation was certifications, and participants also gave suggestions on the best options to make them available. Throughout the event they could ask questions about the TIM Tec software, the platform, the format of the courses, among other information. Cassandra Ribeiro Joye was responsible for closing the training.