Cascavel adopts ZUP platform

Cascavel adopts ZUP platform

The municipality of Cascavel (PR) started a partnership with Instituto TIM in order to implement the ZUP platform – Participatory Urban Governance. On February 1st, the mayor of Cascavel, Leonaldo Paranhos, the deputy mayor and secretary of Public Works and Services, Jorge Lange, the representatives of Instituto TIM Leandro Guerra and Patrick Azevedo and the ZUP team gathered at the City Hall Cabinet to document the partnership. Then, the mayor, Leandro and Felipe Cabral, from ZUP team, participated in a press conference. The ZUP deployment in Cascavel will be called Particity and will be available to the public in March.

“This is a very positive digital instrument. I want to thank you for, in such a record time, receiving the request, being already here signing this cooperation protocol and providing the technicians so we can make this tool available within 30 days”, declared the mayor in acknowledgement of Instituto TIM. “It is a digital technology tool which will be at the fingertips of the citizens, for it uses mobile technology. Therefore, the citizen will be able to participate as a partner of the City Hall in the solution of the problems”, explained Leandro.

On the next day, the ZUP team made a technical presentation of the platform at the City Hall of Cascavel to around 20 municipal secretaries and employees of 8 departments and 2 autarchies. The participants got to know the modules and technical details of ZUP, saw how the platform works and discussed how each department can use the system-collected data. Furthermore, the team visited three municipal departments in order to discuss issues related to the development and implementation of Particity.

All citizens will be able to use the platform free of charge by personal computer, mobile phone or tablet to report urban governance issues and request services such as the repair of holes on the streets, tree pruning, garbage collection, among others. The citizens can track the status of their requests within the system itself.

All ZUP modules will be used in Particity: ZUP Cidadão, which allows citizens to make georeferenced reports and attach images; ZUP Gestão, where public managers receive those requests, track their status and register the solution of the cases; ZUP Inventários, which makes possible to create and update urban assets inventories; and ZUP Fiscal, which helps technical teams during field inspections.

ZUP is also in operation in the municipalities of São Bernardo do Campo (SP), Boa Vista (RR) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ).

Leonaldo Paranhos, mayor of Cascavel, and Leandro Guerra, representative of Instituto TIM.